Nintendo Dead Land

''Porter's Note: This pasta is a candidate for Deletion on the SOG wiki, but has not yet been deleted, and will probably never be. Since its place over there is permanently up in the air, I have ported it to here. --) 20:40, April 2, 2015 (UTC)''
If you have not read Mortal Kombat: Tortured Legacy read that first beacuse this a direct sequel to that creepypasta.


After the death of Tom I put in Nintendo Land and started playing that to ease my nerves. I started playing Metroid Blast which I heard was pretty fun. I noticed after I killed the enemies they had  blood on the walls, after I killed all the enemies, my Mii just fell on the ground crying, I then realized this must be a hack or something like Mortal Kombat: Tortured Legacy
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ked him if he would like to come over and play the game. He reluctantly said yes and we started playing Mario Chase where after, Bo as the toad, caught me, as Mario, the toad pulled a knife out of his pocket and started stabbing my Mii in the back, instead of just immediately ending the minigame. I then felt a sharp pain in my back and then I collapsed on the floor. Bo got me up and he immediately left. I played a game after that called Takamaru's Ninja Castle. After I threw a ninja star and missed, the ninja's usually throw a star in return, they did, then I felt a sharp pain in my chest and called for an ambulance. They rushed me to the hospital where they found a small knife in my back and a ninja star in my rib cage. Two days later I got out of the hospital and I took Nintendo Land out of the Wii U and it read

" Nintendo Dead Land"

  I then burned the game.



''told my mom to play it but when she played for half an hour the game ended and she went to the mii maker and there was my mii dead lying on the floor actually it was all of my miis!''
